Methodological papers

  • Wang, P., Lyu, P., Peddada, S., Cao, H.(2025): Statistical analysis of correlated expression data from high throughput experiments.
    Genetics, accepted.
  • Sun, D., Sun, Z., Zhao, X., Cao, H. (2025): Kernel meets sieve: transformed hazards models with sparse longitudinal covariates.
    Journal of the American Statistical Association-Thoery and Method, accepted.
  • Sun, Z. and Cao, H. (2025): Regression analysis of multiplicative hazards model with time-dependent coefficient for sparse longitudinal covariates.
    Journal of Non-parametric Statistics, accepted.
  • Kley, T., Liu, Y., Cao, H. and Wu, W. B. (2024): Change point analysis with irregular signals.
    Annals of Statistics, 52(6), 2913--2930.
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  • Li, Y., Zhou, X., Chen, R., Zhang, X. and Cao, H. (2024): STAREG: statistical replicability analysis of high throughput experiments with applications to spatial transcriptomic studies.
    PLOS Genetics, 20(10), 1011423.
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  • Li, Y., Lei, H., Wen, X., and Cao, H. (2024): A powerful approach to identify replicable variants in genome-wide association studies.
    American Journal of Human Genetics, 111, 966-978.
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  • Sun, Z., Cao, H., Chen, L. and Fine, J. P. (2024): Analysis of longitudinal data with omitted asynchronous longitudinal covariate.
    Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 231, 106-135.
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  • Liu, C., Sun, Z. and Cao, H. (2023): Regression analysis of mixed sparse synchronous and asynchronous longitudinal data in varying-coefficient regression models.
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17, 3103-3142.
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  • Lyu, P., Li, Y., Wen, X. and Cao, H. (2023): JUMP: replicability analysis of high-throughput experiments with applications to spatial transcriptomic studies.
    Bioinformatics, 39(6).
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  • Boadu, F., Cao, H. and Cheng, J. (2023): Combining protein sequences and structures with transformers and equivariant graph neural networks to predict protein function.
    Bioinformatics, 39, i318-i325.
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  • Cao, H., Chen, J. and Zhang, X. (2022): Optimal false discovery rate control for large-scale multiple testing with auxiliary information.
    Annals of Statistics, 50, 807-857.
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  • Li, Y., Zhou, X. and Cao, H., (2022): Statistical analysis of spatially resolved transcriptomic data by incorporating multi-omics auxiliary information.
    Genetics, 221(4).
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  • Sun, Z., Cao, H., and Chen, L. (2022): Regression analysis of additive hazards model with sparse longitudinal covariates.
    Lifetime Data Analysis, 28, 263-281.
  • Cao, H. and Wu, W. (2022): Testing and estimation for clustered signals.
    Bernoulli, 28, 525-547.
  • Wang, Y., Ye, Z., Cao, H. (2021): On computation of semi-parametric maximum likelihood estimators with shape constraints.
    Biometrics , 77, 113--124.
  • Cao, H. and Fine, J. P. (2021): On the proportional hazards model with last observation carried forward covariates.
    Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 73, 115-134.
  • Cao, H., Liu, W., Zhou, Z. (2018): Simultaneous nonparametric regression analysis of sparse longitudinal data.
    Bernoulli, 24, 3013--3038.
  • Li, H., Tian, G., Tang, N. and Cao, H. (2018): Assessing non-inferiority for incomplete paired data under non-ignorable missing mechanism.
    Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 127, 69-71.
  • Li, H., Tang, N., Tian, G. and Cao, H. (2018): Testing the equality of risk difference among multiple incomplete two-way contingency tables.
    Statistics and Its Interface, 2, 353-368.
  • Xiao, J., Cao, H. and Chen, J. (2017): False discovery rate control incorporating phylogenetic tree increases detection power in microbiome-wide multiple testing.
    Bioinformatics, 33, 2873-2881.
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  • Chen, L., Cao, H. (2017): Analysis of asynchronous longitudinal data with partially linear models.
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, 11, 1549-1569.
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  • Cao, H. , Sen, P., Peery, A. F. and Dellon, E. S. (2016): Assessing agreement with multiple raters on correlated kappa statistics.
    Biometrical Journal, 58, 935-943
  • Cao, H., Li, J. and Fine, J. P. (2016): On last observation carried forward and asynchronous longitudinal regression analysis.
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10, 1155-1180.
  • Cao, H. and Wu, W. (2015): Changepoint estimation: another look at multiple testing problems.
    Biometrika, 102, 974-980.
  • Cao, H. , Churpek, M. M., Zeng, D. and Fine, J. P. (2015): Analysis of the proportional hazards model with sparse longitudinal covariates.
    Journal of the American Statistical Association-Thoery and Method, 110, 1187-1196
  • Cao, H., Zeng, D. and Fine, J. P. (2015): Regression analysis of sparse asynchronous longitudinal data.
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 77, 755-776.
  • Cao, H. and Kosorok, M. (2013): The optimal power puzzle: scrutiny of the monotone likelihood ratio assumption in multiple testing.
    Biometrika, 100, 495-502.
  • Cao, H. , LaVange, L. M., Heyse, J. F., Mast, T. C., Kosorok, M. R. (2013): Medical records-based postmarketing safety evaluation of rare events with uncertain status.
    Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 23, 201-212.
  • Lan, Y., Lin, T. and Cao, H. (2012): Evaluating two PTI test procedures for control of delivered dose uniformity for aerosol products.
    Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 4, 136-148.
  • Cao, H. and Kosorok, M. (2011): Simultaneous critical values for t-tests in very high dimensions.
    Bernoulli, 17, 347-394.
  • Cao, H. (2007): Moderate deviations for two sample t-statistics.
    European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics: Probability and Statistics, 11, 264-271.

Collaborative papers

  • Johnson, F., Burian, N.-M., Santer, M., Strasser, V., Steinbichler, T., Hofauer, B., Stenzl, A., Klarer, J., Lochbaum, R., Lei, H., Cao, H., Hillebrand, G., Amir Bolooki, A. (2024). A six-year examination of the influence of surgical technique and intraoperative intraglandular clostridium botulinum toxin application in salivary gland tumor operations.
    Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(22), 6902
  • Gazelle, H., Lundin, J., Lei, H., Cao, H., Litchfield, M. (2024). Child and adolescent social withdrawal predict adult psychosocial adjustment: a meta-analysis.
    Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2, 1408166.
  • Kusi-Appiah, A., Bell, T., Lyu, P., Zhu, L. Zhu, F., Winkle, D.V., Cao, H., Sachdeva, M., Lenhert, S. (2024): Scalable lipid droplet microarray fabrication, validation, and screening.
    PLOS ONE, 19(7).
  • Hou, K., Gogarten, S., Kim, J., Hua, X., Dias, J.-A., Sun, Q., Wang, Y., Tan, T., PRIMED Consortium Methods Working Group, Atkinson, E., Martin, A., Shortt, J., Hirbo, J., Li, Y., Pasaniuc, B., Zhang, H. (2024): Admix-kit: an integrated toolkit and pipeline for genetic analyses of admixed populations.
    Bioinformatics, 40(4). (Cao, H. among other authors as a member of the PRIMED consortium).
  • Gerkin, R. C. et al., GCCR Consortium (2021): Recent Smell Loss Is the Best Predictor of COVID-19 Among Individuals With Recent Respiratory Symptoms.
    Chemical Senses, 46, 1-12. (Cao, H. among other authors as a member of the GCCR consortium).
  • Guindalini, R. S., Zheng, Y., Abe, H., Whitaker, K., Yoshimatsu, T. F., Walsh, T., Schacht, D., Kulkarni, K., Sheth, D., Verp, M. S., Bradbury, A. R., Churpek, J., Obeid, E., Mueller, J., Khramtsova, G., Liu, F., Raoul, A., Cao, H. , Romero, I. L., Hong, S., Livingston, R., Jaskowiak, N., Wang, X., Debiasi, M., Pritchard, C.C., King, M., Karczmar, G., Newstead, G. M,. Huo, D., Olopade, O. I. (2019): Intensive surveillance with bi-annual dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging downstages breast cancer in BRACA1 mutation carriers.
    Clinical Cancer Research, 25, 1786-1794.
  • Debiasi, M., Polanczyc, C., Ziegelmann, P., Barrios, C., Cao, H., Dignam, J. J., Gross, P., Bychkovsky, B., Finkelstein, D. M., Guindanili, R., Filho, P., Albuquerque, C., de Azambuja, E., Olopade, O. (2018): Efficacy of anti-HER2 agents in combination with adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy for early and locally advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients: a network meta-analysis.
    Frontiers in Oncology, 8, 156.
  • O'Donnell, P. H., Alanee, S., Stratton, K. L., Garcia-Grossman, I. R., Cao, H. , Ostrovnaya, I., Plimack, E. R., Manschreck, C., Ganshert, C., Smith, N. D., Steinberg, G. D., Vijai, J., Offit, K., Stadler, W. M., Bajorin, D. F. (2016): Clinical evaluation of cisplatin sensitivity of germline polymorphisms in neoadjuvant chemotherapy for urothelial cancer.
    Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 15, 511-517.
  • Karovic, S., Shiuan, E. F., Zhang, S. Q., Cao, H. , Maitland, M. L. (2016): Patient-level adverse event patterns in a single-institution study of the multi-kinase inhibitor sorafenib.
    Clinical and Translational Science, 9, 260-266.
  • Spiotto, M. T., Cao, H. , Mell, L., Toback, F. G. (2015): ACE inhibitors predict for acute kidney injury during chemoradiation for head and neck cancer.
    Anticancer Drugs, 26, 343-349.
  • Qin, L.-X., Ma, S., Huang, Y.-T., Zhang, H., Cao, H. (2014): Array platform modeling and analysis.
    Cancer Informatics, 13(S4), 91-93.
  • Sampedro, G. R., DeDent, A. C., Becker, R. E. N., Berube, B. J., Gebhardt, M. J., Cao, H., Wardenburg, J. B. (2014): Targeting Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin as a novel approach to reduce severity of recurrent skin and soft-tissue infections.
    The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 210, 1012-1018.
  • Petri, C. R., O'Donnell, P. H., Cao, H., Artz, A. S., Stock, W., Wickrema, A., Hard, M., van Besien, K. (2014): Clofarabine-associated acute kidney injury in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
    Leukemia and Lymphoma, , 55, 2866-2873.
  • Liu, G.-F., Ranck, M. C., Solanki, A. A., Cao, H., Kolokythas, A., Wenig, B. L., Chen, L., Ard, S., Weichselbaum, R. R., Halpern, H., Spiotto, M. T. (2014): Racial parities in outcomes after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.
    Cancer, 120, 244-252.
  • Grogan, R. H., Kaplan, S. P., Cao, H., Weiss, R. E., DeGroot, L. J., Simon, C. A., Embia, O. M. A., Angelos, P., Kaplan, E. L., Schechter, R. B. (2013): A study of recurrence and death from papillary thyroid cancer with 27 years of median follow-up.
    Surgery, 154, 1436-1447.
  • Melkonian, S., Argos, M., Hall, M. N., Chen, Y., Parvez, F., Pierce, B., Cao, H., Aschebrook-Kilfoy, B., Ahmed, A., Islam, T., Slavcovich, V., Gamble, M., Haris, P. I., Graziano, J. H., Ahsan, H. (2013): Urinary and dietary analysis of 18,470 Bangladeshis reveal a correlation of rice consumption with arsenic exposure and toxicity.
    PLOS ONE, 8, e80691.
  • Peery, A. F., Cao, H., Dominik, R., Shaheen, N. J., Dellon, E. S. (2011): Variable reliability of endoscopic findings with white-light and narrow-band imaging for patients with suspected eosinophilic esophagitis.
    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 9, 475-480.
  • Becker-Dreps, S., Paniagua, M., Dominik, R., Cao, H., Shah, N. K., Morgan, D. R., Moreno, G., Esplinoza, F. (2011): Changes in childhood diarrhea incidence in Nicaragua following 3 years of universal infant rotavirus immunization.
    The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 30, 243-247.
  • Delatte, R., Cao, H., Meltzer-Brody, S., Menard, M. K. (2009): Universal screening for postpartum depression: an inquiry into provider attitudes and practice.
    American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 200, e63-e64.