Wang, P., Lyu, P., Peddada, S., Cao, H.(2025): Statistical analysis of correlated expression data from high throughput experiments. Genetics, accepted.
Sun, D., Sun, Z., Zhao, X., Cao, H. (2025): Kernel meets sieve: transformed hazards models with sparse longitudinal covariates. Journal of the American Statistical Association-Thoery and Method, accepted.
Sun, Z. and Cao, H. (2025): Regression analysis of multiplicative hazards model with time-dependent coefficient for sparse longitudinal covariates. Journal of Non-parametric Statistics, accepted.
Kley, T., Liu, Y., Cao, H. and Wu, W. B. (2024): Change point analysis with irregular signals. Annals of Statistics, 52(6), 2913--2930. Download the R codes
Li, Y., Zhou, X., Chen, R., Zhang, X. and Cao, H. (2024): STAREG: statistical replicability analysis of high throughput experiments with applications to spatial transcriptomic studies. PLOS Genetics, 20(10), 1011423. Download the R codes
Li, Y., Lei, H., Wen, X., and Cao, H. (2024): A powerful approach to identify replicable variants in genome-wide association studies. American Journal of Human Genetics, 111, 966-978. Download the R codes
Sun, Z., Cao, H., Chen, L. and Fine, J. P. (2024): Analysis of longitudinal data with omitted asynchronous longitudinal covariate. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 231, 106-135. Download the R codes
Liu, C., Sun, Z. and Cao, H. (2023): Regression analysis of mixed sparse synchronous and asynchronous longitudinal data in varying-coefficient regression models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17, 3103-3142. Download the R codes
Lyu, P., Li, Y., Wen, X. and Cao, H. (2023): JUMP: replicability analysis of high-throughput experiments with applications to spatial transcriptomic studies. Bioinformatics, 39(6). Download the R codes
Boadu, F., Cao, H. and Cheng, J. (2023): Combining protein sequences and structures with transformers and equivariant graph neural networks to predict protein function. Bioinformatics, 39, i318-i325. Download the Python codes
Cao, H., Chen, J. and Zhang, X. (2022): Optimal false discovery rate control for large-scale multiple testing with auxiliary information. Annals of Statistics, 50, 807-857. Download the R codes
Li, Y., Zhou, X. and Cao, H., (2022): Statistical analysis of spatially resolved transcriptomic data by incorporating multi-omics auxiliary information. Genetics, 221(4). Download the R codes
Sun, Z., Cao, H., and Chen, L. (2022): Regression analysis of additive hazards model with sparse longitudinal covariates. Lifetime Data Analysis, 28, 263-281.
Cao, H. and Wu, W. (2022): Testing and estimation for clustered signals. Bernoulli, 28, 525-547.
Wang, Y., Ye, Z., Cao, H. (2021): On computation of semi-parametric maximum likelihood estimators with shape constraints.
Biometrics , 77, 113--124.
Cao, H. and Fine, J. P. (2021): On the proportional hazards model with last observation carried forward covariates. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 73, 115-134.
Cao, H., Liu, W., Zhou, Z. (2018): Simultaneous nonparametric regression analysis of sparse longitudinal data.
Bernoulli, 24, 3013--3038.
Li, H., Tian, G., Tang, N. and Cao, H. (2018): Assessing non-inferiority for incomplete paired data under non-ignorable missing mechanism. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 127, 69-71.
Li, H., Tang, N., Tian, G. and Cao, H. (2018): Testing the equality of risk difference among multiple incomplete two-way contingency tables.
Statistics and Its Interface, 2, 353-368.
Xiao, J., Cao, H. and Chen, J. (2017): False discovery rate control incorporating phylogenetic tree increases detection power in microbiome-wide multiple testing. Bioinformatics, 33, 2873-2881. Download the R codes
Chen, L., Cao, H. (2017): Analysis of asynchronous longitudinal data with partially linear models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 11, 1549-1569. Download the R codes
Cao, H. , Sen, P., Peery, A. F. and Dellon, E. S. (2016): Assessing agreement with multiple raters on correlated kappa statistics. Biometrical Journal, 58, 935-943
Cao, H., Li, J. and Fine, J. P. (2016): On last observation carried forward and asynchronous longitudinal regression analysis. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10, 1155-1180.
Cao, H. and Wu, W. (2015): Changepoint estimation: another look at multiple testing problems. Biometrika, 102, 974-980.
Cao, H. , Churpek, M. M., Zeng, D. and Fine, J. P. (2015): Analysis of the proportional hazards model with sparse longitudinal covariates. Journal of the American Statistical Association-Thoery and Method, 110, 1187-1196
Cao, H., Zeng, D. and Fine, J. P. (2015): Regression analysis of sparse asynchronous longitudinal data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 77, 755-776.
Cao, H. and Kosorok, M. (2013): The optimal power puzzle: scrutiny of the monotone likelihood ratio assumption in multiple testing. Biometrika, 100, 495-502.
Cao, H. , LaVange, L. M., Heyse, J. F., Mast, T. C., Kosorok, M. R. (2013): Medical records-based postmarketing safety evaluation of rare events
with uncertain status. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 23, 201-212.
Lan, Y., Lin, T. and Cao, H. (2012): Evaluating two PTI test procedures for control of delivered dose uniformity for aerosol products. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 4, 136-148.
Cao, H. and Kosorok, M. (2011): Simultaneous critical values for t-tests in very high dimensions. Bernoulli, 17, 347-394.
Cao, H. (2007): Moderate deviations for two sample t-statistics. European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics: Probability and Statistics, 11, 264-271.
Collaborative papers
Johnson, F., Burian, N.-M., Santer, M., Strasser, V., Steinbichler, T., Hofauer, B., Stenzl, A., Klarer, J., Lochbaum, R., Lei, H., Cao, H.,
Hillebrand, G., Amir Bolooki, A. (2024). A six-year examination of the influence of surgical
technique and intraoperative intraglandular clostridium botulinum toxin application in salivary gland tumor operations. Journal of
Clinical Medicine, 13(22), 6902
Gazelle, H., Lundin, J., Lei, H., Cao, H., Litchfield, M. (2024). Child and adolescent social withdrawal predict
adult psychosocial adjustment: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2, 1408166.
Kusi-Appiah, A., Bell, T., Lyu, P., Zhu, L. Zhu, F., Winkle, D.V., Cao, H., Sachdeva, M., Lenhert, S. (2024):
Scalable lipid droplet microarray fabrication, validation, and screening. PLOS ONE, 19(7).
Hou, K., Gogarten, S., Kim, J., Hua, X., Dias, J.-A., Sun, Q., Wang, Y., Tan, T., PRIMED Consortium Methods Working Group, Atkinson, E., Martin, A., Shortt, J., Hirbo, J.,
Li, Y., Pasaniuc, B., Zhang, H. (2024): Admix-kit: an integrated toolkit and pipeline for genetic analyses of admixed populations. Bioinformatics, 40(4). (Cao, H. among other authors as a member of the PRIMED consortium).
Gerkin, R. C. et al., GCCR Consortium (2021): Recent Smell Loss Is the Best Predictor of COVID-19 Among Individuals With Recent Respiratory Symptoms. Chemical Senses, 46, 1-12. (Cao, H. among other authors as a member of the GCCR consortium).
Guindalini, R. S., Zheng, Y., Abe, H., Whitaker, K., Yoshimatsu, T. F., Walsh, T., Schacht, D., Kulkarni, K., Sheth, D., Verp, M. S., Bradbury, A. R., Churpek, J.,
Obeid, E., Mueller, J., Khramtsova, G., Liu, F., Raoul, A., Cao, H. , Romero, I. L., Hong, S., Livingston, R., Jaskowiak, N., Wang, X., Debiasi, M.,
Pritchard, C.C., King, M., Karczmar, G., Newstead, G. M,. Huo, D., Olopade, O. I. (2019): Intensive surveillance with bi-annual dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic
resonance imaging downstages breast cancer in BRACA1 mutation carriers. Clinical Cancer Research, 25, 1786-1794.
Debiasi, M., Polanczyc, C., Ziegelmann, P., Barrios, C., Cao, H., Dignam, J. J., Gross, P., Bychkovsky, B., Finkelstein, D. M.,
Guindanili, R., Filho, P., Albuquerque, C., de Azambuja, E., Olopade, O. (2018): Efficacy of anti-HER2 agents in combination with adjuvant or
neoadjuvant chemotherapy for early and locally advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients: a network meta-analysis. Frontiers in Oncology, 8, 156.
O'Donnell, P. H., Alanee, S., Stratton, K. L., Garcia-Grossman, I. R., Cao, H. , Ostrovnaya, I., Plimack, E. R., Manschreck, C.,
Ganshert, C., Smith, N. D., Steinberg, G. D., Vijai, J., Offit, K., Stadler, W. M., Bajorin, D. F. (2016): Clinical evaluation of cisplatin
sensitivity of germline polymorphisms in neoadjuvant chemotherapy for urothelial cancer. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 15, 511-517.
Karovic, S., Shiuan, E. F., Zhang, S. Q., Cao, H. , Maitland, M. L. (2016): Patient-level adverse event patterns in a
single-institution study of the multi-kinase inhibitor sorafenib. Clinical and Translational Science, 9, 260-266.
Spiotto, M. T., Cao, H. , Mell, L., Toback, F. G. (2015): ACE inhibitors predict for acute kidney injury during chemoradiation
for head and neck cancer. Anticancer Drugs, 26, 343-349.
Qin, L.-X., Ma, S., Huang, Y.-T., Zhang, H., Cao, H. (2014): Array platform modeling and analysis. Cancer Informatics, 13(S4), 91-93.
Sampedro, G. R., DeDent, A. C., Becker, R. E. N., Berube, B. J., Gebhardt, M. J., Cao, H., Wardenburg, J. B. (2014):
Targeting Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin as a novel approach to reduce severity of recurrent skin and soft-tissue infections. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 210, 1012-1018.
Petri, C. R., O'Donnell, P. H., Cao, H., Artz, A. S., Stock, W., Wickrema, A., Hard, M., van Besien, K. (2014):
Clofarabine-associated acute kidney injury in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Leukemia and Lymphoma, , 55, 2866-2873.
Liu, G.-F., Ranck, M. C., Solanki, A. A., Cao, H., Kolokythas, A., Wenig, B. L., Chen, L., Ard, S., Weichselbaum, R. R.,
Halpern, H., Spiotto, M. T. (2014): Racial parities in outcomes after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Cancer, 120, 244-252.
Grogan, R. H., Kaplan, S. P., Cao, H., Weiss, R. E., DeGroot, L. J., Simon, C. A., Embia, O. M. A., Angelos, P.,
Kaplan, E. L., Schechter, R. B. (2013): A study of recurrence and death from papillary thyroid cancer with 27 years of median follow-up. Surgery, 154, 1436-1447.
Melkonian, S., Argos, M., Hall, M. N., Chen, Y., Parvez, F., Pierce, B., Cao, H., Aschebrook-Kilfoy, B., Ahmed, A., Islam, T.,
Slavcovich, V., Gamble, M., Haris, P. I., Graziano, J. H., Ahsan, H. (2013): Urinary and dietary analysis of 18,470 Bangladeshis reveal a
correlation of rice consumption with arsenic exposure and toxicity. PLOS ONE, 8, e80691.
Peery, A. F., Cao, H., Dominik, R., Shaheen, N. J., Dellon, E. S. (2011): Variable reliability of endoscopic findings with
white-light and narrow-band imaging for patients with suspected eosinophilic esophagitis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 9, 475-480.
Becker-Dreps, S., Paniagua, M., Dominik, R., Cao, H., Shah, N. K., Morgan, D. R., Moreno, G., Esplinoza, F. (2011):
Changes in childhood diarrhea incidence in Nicaragua following 3 years of universal infant rotavirus immunization. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 30, 243-247.
Delatte, R., Cao, H., Meltzer-Brody, S., Menard, M. K. (2009):
Universal screening for postpartum depression: an inquiry into provider attitudes and practice. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 200, e63-e64.